There is no “Sexual Tragedy“ in Germany
Nearly all German newspapers wrote about a new book called “Deutschlands sexuelle Tragödie“ (“Germany´s Sexual Tragedy“). As most of the articles are biased, we strongly recommend not believing that the book is typical for Germanys youth or Germany in the whole.
The Priest, who wrote the book, a man called Bernd Siggelkow, runs a project in a poor quarter of Berlin, and all his experience he writes about in his book comes from his work with a group of young people within the district.
So before you think that the German youth (or most other people in Germany) take part in a “sexual tragedy“ you must look at the facts – and the facts are quite different from what Mr. Siggelkow thinks and writes – so just for example, we have very few slum areas in Germany and Berlin is not even representative for the German cities. Furthermore, our young people are looking for love and fidelity as everyone else does and we have less teenage pregancy than – for example – the UK.
In fact, even the Catholic Church and their youth organisation refused to agree – and they even did not blame the internet as othe people do – so a spokesman said, to protect the youth: “parents, teachers and educators must enable young people, to take a more critical look at the internet“.
This, indeed, might be an excellent idea for everyone – and not only when sex is concerned.